Hello everyone! I know that I've posted about my new computer, and that I'd be on here more often, but it's super crazy how life happens you know? So basically not only did I get a computer and washer/dryer set for my birthday, but I also got pregnant! Woo! My boyfriend and I are just elated=] I'm currently about five weeks and a day according to the internet, using the first day of my last period in one of those calculating things...Apparently you're pregnant like two weeks before you get pregnant lol
This does not mean that I will not be blogging, but for now my posts may still be a little sporadic. Who knows? What I do know is that since I found out Wednesday morning that I'm going to be a mother, (oh wow, is that weird to type lol) I have been completely concerned with every little thing I put in/on my body and my environment, so if you can't guess what this means; only 3 free polishes, and manis/pedis will be done outdoors!
Anyone know of a good base coat that's 3free? I keep using my Ulta nail hardening one because it works so well, but I can't find anything on it stating it isn't.
This is also a big reason why I'm continuing (and extending most likely) my no-buy. If I do buy any polishes while I'm pregnant/breastfeeding, they will definitely be 3 free, so bring on the OPI and Zoya! I know Revlon says 3free, but I also know that not all brands stating they are 3free actually are...I guess the price tag makes me think hmm...what if it's not true? For some reason I just trust Zoya and OPI more lol
I am also considering doing mommy posts, I will of course be keeping everyone up to date on stuff going on with my pregnancy, but if I have to create a whole 'nother blog just to write about pregnancy then I'll have to think of a new name for it and honestly, I'm out of ideas when it comes to names right now.
My mom's convinced I'm having a girl, and I was on a website earlier that had you plug in your age and the month you conceived on some ancient chinese baby gender calendar, and that thing says it'll be a girl.
However, my boyfriend's family is notorious for only producing boys.
I myself am just waiting for that moment of "I know for sure that it's gonna be a..."
For now I'm logging a journal on my own of what I'm feeling and what's happening to my body.
Also I think I forgot to post this mani lol
This is my nude tape mani (inspired by nailside of course!) using scotch tape, then China Glaze Under the Boardwalk, and then I free handed Splish Splash because I was tired and didn't feel like waiting to put tape down.
I should've waited.
Thanks for reading!
Former nail polish addict. Current beauty product hoarder. Documenting and sharing my makeup collection and the changes it goes through, mainly for my own purposes but I know this can be helpful for anyone wanting to declutter, hold themselves accountable for using up products. I'm not a minimalist by any means, but I'm done buying just for the sake of spending money.
I'm 21. I'm a part-time cosmetology student, I also work full-time. I'm pretty lazy, and don't lift my fingers to do many things in my free time, except to decorate their tips =]
This blog is to document my progress, as I continue to try new things with my nails as much as possible.
I am in no way affiliated with the brands of products that I review on here, I just really love shopping.
Questions? nevernakednails3@gmail.com I'm also on facebook
This blog is to document my progress, as I continue to try new things with my nails as much as possible.
I am in no way affiliated with the brands of products that I review on here, I just really love shopping.
Questions? nevernakednails3@gmail.com I'm also on facebook
Friday, July 27, 2012
Sunday, July 22, 2012
Birthday girl

Also, we finally got our washer and dryer, and my mom got me a laptop! She also took me shopping, but if you can believe it, I actually didn't buy anything makeup or nail related. Ha, I'm lying, but I honestly got like two things and thats it, the rest is clothes!
So the internet/cable people come on monday to get us set up, and then hopefully after that you'll all be hearing from me more often! I am too psyched about this.
But then there's the not so fun news: I gotta go on a no-buy, and it's forrealforreal this time. We're getting some brand new bills starting this month and I just don't even see how I could squeeze any personal shopping in there. I hope I'll be able to spare the cash to buy my haircolor, but that's about it. I really gotta have some self-control, and it's gonna be hard. Luckily I have a pretty okay sized stash in my opinion, and it should keep me pretty busy until I can buy more.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012
don't break my heart..
More summer challenging! I told y'all I was getting better this month=]

Tuesday, July 17, 2012
It's my party I'll do the PCF SC if I want to

This is a base of Zoya Cho, then the roses are made from e.l.f medium red (darker) and OPI Monsooner or Later, and Ulta the Jungle Look (darker) with Zoya Traci for the greens
Matte, and outside:
So, if you can't tell, I'm quite proud of this! I'd been wanting to do floral print for a while. This last photo was actually the third going on fourth day of this mani. Yeah. You can probably tell that I've cut my nails down, and therefore, less chippage! Actually none at all for this one..I's pleased=]
If you've stayed to read this long, today is my birthday! I love that this challenge is on my birthday because I absolutely loved creating it.
Saturday, July 14, 2012
Dupe alert! Deborah Lippman & Revlon
Deborah Lippman Footloose
Revlon Fearless
OPI Moonsooner or Later
Pure Ice Siren
(Siren's only in there cause I didn't wanna leave out another potential bright red, but I knew he wouldn't match up)
With a focus on these three
Footloose is also on my thumb, so you can see all four of those finers it is REALLY hard to tell any difference. I should point out that these are bright tomato reds, so yes, there is orange in them. Of course, orange is super hard to photograph, especially the differences in these being so slight as to a hint more or less of orange.
OPI and Revlon. Both are definitely crelly, but I would say Fearless is more of a jelly than MoL is. Very close to one another, but Fearless is a little smidgen itty bitty bit more orange than MOL is.

What do you think? Do you have any dupes in your stash?
Friday, July 13, 2012
July Birchbox

*Pausing to rant* what the fuck, Birchbox? Have I not been loyal to you for over a year now? Why must you vary the amount of samples per box? Needless to say almost every other box got 5-6 samples and one lifestyle extra. I however did not get anything to "taste" so...for future reference, Birchbox, you should probably not hang me out to dry during PMS. I am quite happy with the rest of my box but I still feel like they're being bitches up at the BB HQ. Whatever..
So every box got the same lifestyle extra this month, have a looksee:

AHAVA Purifying Mud Mask
Thick with Dead sea mud and Kaolin white clay, this fast-acting mask detoxifies skin in the amount of time it takes to catch a commercial break. (full size, $30)
Laura Geller Doubled Dipped Lipstick in Caribbean Kiss
This double-sided lipstick makes it
easy to switch between (or layer) two
golden pink pigments (full size, $17.50)
Manna Kadar sheer glo shimmer lotion

Oscar de la Renta live in love
This elegant floral layers notes of hyacinth and orchid over a rich base of sandalwood and cedar (full size, $25-78)
Lifestyle Extra Birchbox Exclusive earbuds
We designed these neon headphones just for you. Pair them with your best playlist.
Here's everything, in all it's glory.
I've never heard of this brand before, but I will be trying it. This would probably be perfect for my brow bone as a highlighter, but who's to say really... I doubt I'll use it all over with foundation since I'd rather go for a matte look than a dewy glow one.

I'm really glad this was included, and look at the size of it! this is .9 oz, with the full size being 4.3.
This is honestly the biggest sample of something that I have ever gotten from Birchbox, but I will still be extremely pissed if there is only a small amount of product in this bottle. I hope this is what my skin's been looking for, with all the makeup I wear I really need something to just make me feel clean.
Perfume sample. really Birchbox? I'll throw this in the pile with my other tons of perfume samples that I've acquired from around, but mostly from you. I'm sure this smells fantastic, too. This is the smallest perfume sample I've gotten, and I don't even give a shit. I really wanna know why it's such a staple to have perfume in my box every month. Why couldn't I get another product, or for fuck's sake, the yummy Lara Bars a lot of boxes got? I'm just sayin, I get perfume samples for free from Ulta.com. Why the fuck do I get them each month in my BB, when it's obviously the cheapest thing you could find to throw in there.
So to sum it all up, I am pleased with this box, but I do feel a little bit gipped by Birchbox. I pay the same $10 a month just like everyone else, but it's a roll of the dice each month as to whether I'll be getting 4, 5, 6, 7 products? And to do a whole *Multi-sensory* theme, but not send EVERYONE something to snack on for the taste? I love it when I get snacks in my BB, yeah it's a sample that goes almost immediately, but if they could send me something more useful than another goddamn perfume sample, I'd be super happy.
Summer Challenge: Sea shells!
Hey guys=] Today's challenge is my favorite so far, because for one: this mani can be used on more than one day (score!) and for two: I think it turned out super cool, and really I made it up as I went along.
I really took a lot of pictures, but these were the best ones I could find out of the bunch. I was trying to figure out what I could do to recycle Zuza, I had been wearing it for a day or so. I decided a beach theme would definitely work since Zuza looks like how I would imagine some really breathtaking ocean water would look. Everything I used is above: Color Club Coral Cascade, China Glaze Fast Track, China Glaze Kinetic Candy, Noname Maurices teal color, Sally Hansen French White Tip, Sally Hansen black, and Zoya Zuza. Below are my brushes I used, and the underside of a nail wheel, which I find are handy for doing nail art as little palettes.
I painted on the sand (fast track) and then some waves (noname teal) and then the splash of the wave (kinetic candy) and then some little shore things, in random shapes mean to be the actual shells (coral and white and black) and then a little crab on my index, ain't he cute? Yes, he has legs, they are just small and my camera doesn't like beach scenes..or me..
I added top coat because I wanted this to last a couple days. I was so proud of this one. I almost didn't though, because I like how textured it looked with the waves. I sort of did a sweeping of the polish alongside the teal line and then smudged it kind of with the brush. I know what you're thinking, wow that beach is cluttered.
This reminds me of two of my aunts, they both used to live in Texas. My aunt Donna died when I was younger which really bites, but my other aunt still loves the beach just as much even though she hardly gets to see it anymore. She's one of those types that themes their house in beach-like art and such, which is cool=] I do miss visiting Texas every summer though, I haven't been in about 10 years.
I really took a lot of pictures, but these were the best ones I could find out of the bunch. I was trying to figure out what I could do to recycle Zuza, I had been wearing it for a day or so. I decided a beach theme would definitely work since Zuza looks like how I would imagine some really breathtaking ocean water would look. Everything I used is above: Color Club Coral Cascade, China Glaze Fast Track, China Glaze Kinetic Candy, Noname Maurices teal color, Sally Hansen French White Tip, Sally Hansen black, and Zoya Zuza. Below are my brushes I used, and the underside of a nail wheel, which I find are handy for doing nail art as little palettes.
I painted on the sand (fast track) and then some waves (noname teal) and then the splash of the wave (kinetic candy) and then some little shore things, in random shapes mean to be the actual shells (coral and white and black) and then a little crab on my index, ain't he cute? Yes, he has legs, they are just small and my camera doesn't like beach scenes..or me..
I added top coat because I wanted this to last a couple days. I was so proud of this one. I almost didn't though, because I like how textured it looked with the waves. I sort of did a sweeping of the polish alongside the teal line and then smudged it kind of with the brush. I know what you're thinking, wow that beach is cluttered.
This reminds me of two of my aunts, they both used to live in Texas. My aunt Donna died when I was younger which really bites, but my other aunt still loves the beach just as much even though she hardly gets to see it anymore. She's one of those types that themes their house in beach-like art and such, which is cool=] I do miss visiting Texas every summer though, I haven't been in about 10 years.
Wednesday, July 11, 2012
Summer Challenge, Pink and Purple!
Today I decided I would finally try a cocktail mani! For those that don't know, this is where you paint your one hand all one color, and then the other that same color on two fingers, but the first three fingers have a different color. You know, the fingers you hold your glass with! The accent nails can be a bit spicier while the other nails a simple creme, or really whatever you want. China Glaze held a contest not very long ago (time escapes me) and you can still find their idea page on google.
I did this right after I got my Zoya trio in the mail, and I chose to keep it simple. This week was a bad one for my nails, a couple started breaking on my right hand, and the next day I couldn't stand it any longer and now all my nails are short, with the nubbiest being on my right hand. Zoya Kimber and Tru. Both are opaque in two coats, with awesome shimmers that apparently cannot be captured in my tired haste..
Do you all like this "trend"? I don't see a lot of people doing it so I don't really know if it's considered a trend or..what.. I feel really weird about my accent nails being on my right hand, since my left hand is the star of most of the photos on my blog (and with good reason..) so I think I'm gonna break the rules next time and do the cocktail part on my left. What do y'all think?
I really needa start doing my nails during the light of day again..
Do you all like this "trend"? I don't see a lot of people doing it so I don't really know if it's considered a trend or..what.. I feel really weird about my accent nails being on my right hand, since my left hand is the star of most of the photos on my blog (and with good reason..) so I think I'm gonna break the rules next time and do the cocktail part on my left. What do y'all think?
Monday, July 9, 2012
I got a Liebster=]
The Liebster Blog Award is given to upcoming bloggers who have less than 200 followers. The Meaning; Liebster is German and means sweetest, kindest, nicest, dearest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing and welcome.
I'm really glad this has nothing to do with the Biebster.
Hey everyone! I just found out I've been nominated for the Liebster Blog Award by Hayley from Makeup Movies and More! I'm so excited! A great big thank you to Hayley=] If anyone isn't checking out her blog, you need to be! She's a fellow product junkie like me, and writes reviews on all the stuff she buys (sound familiar?) Anyway, she's great, and she just had her 100 followers giveaway! It's over, but I swear it was the neatest giveaway I've seen, all three prizes had assortments of false eyelashes that Katy Perry just came out with=]
1. Each person must post 11 random facts about themselves.
2. Answer the questions the tagger has set for you plus create 11 questions for the people you've tagged to answer.
3. Choose 11 people and link them in your post.
4. Go to their page and tell them.
5. Remember, no tag backs.
Hayley's questions:
What are you top make up tips?
Are you ready for this? 1. Always wash your face before bed, I don't care if you were lazy and didn't wear makeup! 2. If I hear another complaint about foundation, concealer, etc. from someone who IS NOT wearing primer, I'm gonna yell! 3. Q-tips were just made for you, remember that. 4. Eventually, you're probably going to have to learn how to use liquid eyeliner. 5. Pluck, wax, comb, trim, fill in, do what you have to, but those eyebrows aren't going to groom themselves, ladies. 6. Before you put on any sort of lipstick/gloss/pencil/stain please please exfoliate and moisturize. 7. If you're having a bad day, go get your hair cut. Seriously. 8. At least once every couple weeks...do them toes. They want it, and you know it! 9.Probably the MOST important: Blending. oh my god. It's so simple. Blend everything. foundation, concealer, eyeshadow, blush, bronzer, all of it.
What is your favourite colour?
Green has always been at the top of the list, but I'm not opposed to most colors.
What are your top 3 must have beauty products?
Wow.. Well if I had to narrow it down, I would definitely want Clinique's gel moisturizer for oily/combo skin because it soaks up fast, and it's gentle enough that I can use near my eyes without burning.
then eyeliner. Right now I love my Loreal felt precision tip liquid in carbon black. Gotta have my cat eyes.
And then I suppose my concealer, from Minerologie. When it's blended it doesn't crease, and it doubles as an eye primer! It keeps my eyeshadow/liner all day long. It is a tad too light to wear just on its own, so I normally do have to blend it into my tinted moisturizer/foundation whatever I'm wearing that day.
What is your favourite movie?
The Rocky Horror Picture Show. The other day I saw Bridesmaids and that is definitely tied with Ted. I'd have to really think about the rest in my top five..
Who is your fashion icon?
Not just one..Bettie Page, Marilyn Monroe, and depending on the day I'm inspired by different retro pin-ups. And Katy Perry.
If you had 3 wishes, what would they be?
To just have good health, for me and my family.
To be able to destroy spiders with my mind. Flies too.
and really great cars according to ratings of safety/awesomeness for my boyfriend and I.
What is the colour scheme in your bedroom?
oh well..our walls throughout the house are mostly neutral colors, and our curtain is dark brown (it's one of those that keeps the sunlight out) and then our bedding changes, from purple/lime to yellow/assorted...eh.
What beauty chore do you least enjoy?
Shaving. But that's because I really really have tons of phobias about germs, and especially shower germs. I never store my razors in the shower, and I'm always really careful about drying them and storing them in dry places, but then that leads me to wonder about my shower scrubbie thing and if I should store it out of the shower as well and god that'd just be a hassle...So then I think of something else.
Who do you think is the biggest Fashion Offender in the public eye today?
OOooh...I think as long as she's around, it'll always be Snooki. You can try to say Helena Bonham Carter but...I beg to differ. She's gothy-tim burtony. You just have to love her in a different way than a Kardashian.
What would be your dream holiday/vacation?
I would love to go anywhere, but I really love Australia. Mostly, I love how people sound when they talk in Australia.
What made you decide to start blogging?
I'd been on blogger just trolling a buncha awesome blogs and doing my nails allll the time and taking pictures like they did, and I realized what did it even matter if I didn't start storing the pictures somewhere, listing what I had used, and more importantly, my thoughts on what I'd done? It just went from there. I normally only get a couple of comments on a post, but that's perfectly fine by me. While I do like having followers, it does add to the fun, it's just not what it's all about. In the end this is my virtual scrapbook of nails and cosmetics.
1.What is your blog about, and why?
2.How old are you? This mostly applies to how old you feel.
3.Would you please tell me a short story of the last time you really really had some absolute fun in your life?
4.Where are your favorite places to shop, and what are your favorite brands of things to buy?
5.Do you have any crafty hobbies, or something you're just good at?
6.What did you expect to be doing at this time, five years ago?
7.If you use youtube, what types of videos do you watch the most?
8.What is the song(s) that you must play full blast, windows down, belting it out, don't nobody better get in your way, driving down the road?
10.Best day ever?
11.Who taught you to do something you really like doing?
So I'm doing it a little different, I have a little more than 11 bloggers listed, but that's because you can't tell me to just pick one! or 11...These bloggers are really great, you should check em out! Most of these I've not only followed and like their posts but have commented back and forth with. Not on a regular basis or anything, but still. There were other people I would've liked to have listed here lol but it's actually hard to find people with less than 200 followers...Anyway, I hope you guys answer these and share the love=]
Sunday, July 8, 2012
Summer Challenge, FEET
I've been so busy scheduling posts for later dates, I completely forgot about today's challenge. And probably because my mind just wanted to forget...okay it's pedicure. Now, before you judge, my family has Flinstone feet. Don't know what that is? That's trying to find a 6.5 WIDE anywhere I go. Doesn't always happen. Sometimes I have to settle for a 7. 7 is too big for me, but I digress...
For some reason my feet do look extra swollen in this photo, but I'm pretty sure they were fine...they were flat on the floor which is adding to it, they look a lot more slender otherwise! I probably had just gotten off work and came home and did them. The redness around my nails definitely adds to the look of swollen-ness, but I can assure you it is only the China Glaze Strawberry Fields I had just taken off before applying Revlon Fearless.
So there you go, my wide ass feet, my ugly carpet...I really did try for this one, and this was actually taken over a month ago. I've had better pedis since then. Why, why wouldn't I take photos?
For some reason my feet do look extra swollen in this photo, but I'm pretty sure they were fine...they were flat on the floor which is adding to it, they look a lot more slender otherwise! I probably had just gotten off work and came home and did them. The redness around my nails definitely adds to the look of swollen-ness, but I can assure you it is only the China Glaze Strawberry Fields I had just taken off before applying Revlon Fearless.
So there you go, my wide ass feet, my ugly carpet...I really did try for this one, and this was actually taken over a month ago. I've had better pedis since then. Why, why wouldn't I take photos?
Pretty in fuchsia

I don't hate either of these polishes, I think they may just need some more patience than I was willing to give them at the time. I think Facets would be a wonderful polish to try doing syrup nails with. Gotta stay positive lol
I bought both of these in a set from Big Lots for $2. No regrets there=]
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Amber waves? What about the green ones..
Today's post is about America, and freedom, and all the great things people have done to help further the freeness, and to those who have hindered it with unemployment, blah blah blah, all the political stuff people complain about that I really don't get into anymore because I get so stressed. I'm not gonna ask you what you think about the new healthcare stuff, or tell you about how little I know of it, but from what I have gathered is that it's gonna fuckin blow. Oh sorry, I'm rambling.. where I was going with that: Suck it, yous! As in the yous who do indeed suck...get it...
I'm really just kidding, this post will be completely nail polish related =]
Happy fourth!
Thumb: China Glaze Smoke and Ashes
sponged on China Glaze Tree Hugger
striped on LA Colors..green..
and then another layer of green.
shut up.
index&middle: Two coats China Glaze Splish Splash
Stamped in Cheeky all over star pattern with Sally Hansen French White Tip
Completely forgot I wanted to layer Revlon Mint Fizz over Splish Splash..so I still did it and that's why the stars are faint lol
ring&pinky: Sally Hansen French White, striped with OPI The Color Of Minnie
On the tips Revlon Watermelon Fizz
Yep, I decided to do an American flag and fireworks inspired cocktail mani! Oh what? That looks more like a pot leaf instead of a firework?
Yeah I guess you're right. I totally wore this for two days until I relieved the second shift the other night from work, and she was like "Oh nice touch with the pot leaf" and I'm like noOoooo I wasn't even going for that! I just wanted to rush through it, and it wasn't coming out how I'd planned=/
I'm not judging pot or bashing it by all means, this is really a completely different post y'all (as well as a paper I wrote in college*)but I kinda feel a little weird that people at work might judge me as even more unprofessional than I already come off as..what with my potty mouth with excessive amounts of "goddamnit" and "fuck" all day long...and then what the general public that sees me at work (whom I don't cuss around btw..I'm not trashy! mostly.) could've thought about me..if anyone actually paid attention to my nails..
*Could everyone just admit that if we milked hemp for all it's worth and usefulness, things would go a bit smoother? IT CANNOT GET YOU HIGH
**As for things that can, just fucking legalize already. Regulate it like alcohol or at least treat it like alcohol. I don't have the time to let's just say "be young and free" anymore, but growing up has in no way changed my opinion of this.
***Jesus, what a rant. This is what happens y'all. I promise not to accidentally incorporate weed into another mani. ehh unless I feel like it.
Anyway, lesson learned: next time just do a different colored firework, it'll pretty much be totally obvious and not seem drug related.
I might not seem overly patriotic, but I never turn down a reason to celebrate. Sadly, I do have to go in tonight at 11, so the fact that there isn't class tonight is gonna allow me to catch up on sleep this week! That in itself is just as awesome as having a wildly fun night. Look who's old...
I'm really just kidding, this post will be completely nail polish related =]
Happy fourth!

sponged on China Glaze Tree Hugger
striped on LA Colors..green..
and then another layer of green.
shut up.
index&middle: Two coats China Glaze Splish Splash
Stamped in Cheeky all over star pattern with Sally Hansen French White Tip
Completely forgot I wanted to layer Revlon Mint Fizz over Splish Splash..so I still did it and that's why the stars are faint lol
ring&pinky: Sally Hansen French White, striped with OPI The Color Of Minnie
On the tips Revlon Watermelon Fizz
Yep, I decided to do an American flag and fireworks inspired cocktail mani! Oh what? That looks more like a pot leaf instead of a firework?
Yeah I guess you're right. I totally wore this for two days until I relieved the second shift the other night from work, and she was like "Oh nice touch with the pot leaf" and I'm like noOoooo I wasn't even going for that! I just wanted to rush through it, and it wasn't coming out how I'd planned=/
I'm not judging pot or bashing it by all means, this is really a completely different post y'all (as well as a paper I wrote in college*)but I kinda feel a little weird that people at work might judge me as even more unprofessional than I already come off as..what with my potty mouth with excessive amounts of "goddamnit" and "fuck" all day long...and then what the general public that sees me at work (whom I don't cuss around btw..I'm not trashy! mostly.) could've thought about me..if anyone actually paid attention to my nails..
*Could everyone just admit that if we milked hemp for all it's worth and usefulness, things would go a bit smoother? IT CANNOT GET YOU HIGH
**As for things that can, just fucking legalize already. Regulate it like alcohol or at least treat it like alcohol. I don't have the time to let's just say "be young and free" anymore, but growing up has in no way changed my opinion of this.
***Jesus, what a rant. This is what happens y'all. I promise not to accidentally incorporate weed into another mani. ehh unless I feel like it.
Anyway, lesson learned: next time just do a different colored firework, it'll pretty much be totally obvious and not seem drug related.
I might not seem overly patriotic, but I never turn down a reason to celebrate. Sadly, I do have to go in tonight at 11, so the fact that there isn't class tonight is gonna allow me to catch up on sleep this week! That in itself is just as awesome as having a wildly fun night. Look who's old...
Sifting through my June haul pt. 2
Hey folks=] So today I'll be reviewing a few other things I bought in June, and later on today I will be posting my mani for the 4th, and hopefully have some fun before I go to work because school's out today! Woohoo! and when I come back on Thursday, that'll be the last day of my first six weeks, and I'll take my test and my haircoloring class will be completed=] Next up, six weeks of perms & relaxers (as well as braids, finger waves, and I'm pretty sure styling with the freakishly weird marcel curling iron..)
I could swear I used both of these in posts recently, but I'm scouring my blog and I must have just meant to..
UPDATE: I realize now that I totally did already review the Revlon polish...go me lol
Either way, up top is Color Club in Coral Cascade, dotted with Zoya Cho. I recycled Coral Cascade because I loved it sooo much, but I had tipwear and was not ready to take off this super cool color, so perfect for art! Cho looks way more white than it really is from that bottle shot, but the top pictures are really accurate.
Below that is Revlon Chic, on day two if you can't tell from my obvious index finger lol This is perfect if you're wanting something neutral, but not feeling gray or nude. It's a blue gray, and I feel like this must be Zoya Bevin's older half sister, a bit more bold and a lot more blue=]
Also last month I bought a whole lotta hair products, in order to really appreciate my vibrant red and keep it lasting longer, so here's a little bit on some of that:
Also, pictured are two hairsprays that I have found to work really well, but I honestly love the Kenra one a lot more than Pureology. I got the Pureology because it was a sale, and because it specifically says it's formulated to help keep color fading, I don't know how it won't keep it from fading I'm kinda iffy on it. I don't dislike Pureology and I will definitely try their shampoo/conditioners someday, but the Kenra spray is just..better. It says it right on the bottle, it won an award for being voted super awesomest for..something..stylists favorite something or other whatnot..
and then the Paul Mitchell itty bottle is what I keep in my purse, it works great but it's a lot lighter than the others I have, but it smells aweeesoooome!
And also because I'm probably a sucker, I picked up this bottle of Matrix Biolage something...it's a spray that helps protect hair from UV rays (which will lighten your color) and heating tools...it says to spray on dry, finished hair to protect it. I'm a Nervous Nancy about this red fading, so yeah..I spray it on when I'm done everyday. You can tell me how lame I am, but I already know=] As far as I can tell, this stuff pretty much works like a hair spray, it has a slight hold to it and a hair spray-like smell.
As for the Hempz lotion, that is a whole 'nother post, y'all! I got all of this at Trade Secret, because I was shopping with my mom, so I don't remember any of the prices and she has the receipt. It would've been a lot less if I'd gone to Cosmoprof, though.
What do you use on your hair? No judging if you got it at the drugstore, promise=]
I could swear I used both of these in posts recently, but I'm scouring my blog and I must have just meant to..
UPDATE: I realize now that I totally did already review the Revlon polish...go me lol
Either way, up top is Color Club in Coral Cascade, dotted with Zoya Cho. I recycled Coral Cascade because I loved it sooo much, but I had tipwear and was not ready to take off this super cool color, so perfect for art! Cho looks way more white than it really is from that bottle shot, but the top pictures are really accurate.
Below that is Revlon Chic, on day two if you can't tell from my obvious index finger lol This is perfect if you're wanting something neutral, but not feeling gray or nude. It's a blue gray, and I feel like this must be Zoya Bevin's older half sister, a bit more bold and a lot more blue=]

Oh my goodness! so to be clear, my shampoo and regular conditioner are not pictured, but I use Kenra sulfate free color protecting shampoo, and Joico moisture recovery conditioner. Both are really awesome, and the shampoo really cleans my hair without drying it out, and the conditioner really makes it so soft, and much less frizzy. I've mentioned before that I don't wash my hair much, maybe twice a week. Every second or third time I do wash my hair though, I shampoo with kenra and use the Healthy Sexy conditioner, which is more like a conditioning treatment for frazzled colored hair. My hair really needed this stuff the week I first got it lightened, and it really helped bring it back to life, as it took an entire week or more for my hair to feel "good" especially at the ends.
Also, pictured are two hairsprays that I have found to work really well, but I honestly love the Kenra one a lot more than Pureology. I got the Pureology because it was a sale, and because it specifically says it's formulated to help keep color fading, I don't know how it won't keep it from fading I'm kinda iffy on it. I don't dislike Pureology and I will definitely try their shampoo/conditioners someday, but the Kenra spray is just..better. It says it right on the bottle, it won an award for being voted super awesomest for..something..stylists favorite something or other whatnot..
and then the Paul Mitchell itty bottle is what I keep in my purse, it works great but it's a lot lighter than the others I have, but it smells aweeesoooome!
And also because I'm probably a sucker, I picked up this bottle of Matrix Biolage something...it's a spray that helps protect hair from UV rays (which will lighten your color) and heating tools...it says to spray on dry, finished hair to protect it. I'm a Nervous Nancy about this red fading, so yeah..I spray it on when I'm done everyday. You can tell me how lame I am, but I already know=] As far as I can tell, this stuff pretty much works like a hair spray, it has a slight hold to it and a hair spray-like smell.
As for the Hempz lotion, that is a whole 'nother post, y'all! I got all of this at Trade Secret, because I was shopping with my mom, so I don't remember any of the prices and she has the receipt. It would've been a lot less if I'd gone to Cosmoprof, though.
What do you use on your hair? No judging if you got it at the drugstore, promise=]
Monday, July 2, 2012
Needle Dragon
Haha get it..'cause this post is about needle dragging.. why don't you remind me how lame I am? Seriously, go ahead lol
Today's manicure was SUPPOSED to be a part of the PCF summer challenge, you see I had it in my head that there is a green+pink day, don't ask why.
Okay here's why: because I really didn't look and I just cou'dve swore I saw it on the list at one point, since there are a few days where the theme is simply one, two, or three colors, so your mind can pretty much go wild with whatever. So in my head there was a green and pink day. I just checked, and there is not lol It's just always been a favorite combo of colors for me...anyway, here ya go!
This is my first halfway successful needle drag, I had watched a video on youtube from Meliney, who posts really easy to follow video tutorials for nails that come out looking like you did something really complicated, so yeah, go meliney lol
Anyway, I started out with a swatch of two coats of Zoya Traci, and then completely forgot to take photos. Oh well, you get it. I should tell you that all of the Beach and Surf collection polishes that I have (four, Reagan, Kimber, Traci and Zuza) are pretty freaking opaque in one coat. If you did it thick enough you could totally get away with one, but I like to use a thinner first coat. In my mind things dry better that way, but that's probably just something I tell myself. Anywho, in the video Meliny is doing a totally different mani, but basically you apply your base, and then take a brush (if it's smaller you could get away with using the brush from the polish) and sort of sweep a different color from one point of the nail to the opposite side, while creating a sort of crescent. You should do this before the base has dried (which reminds me this is actually three coats of Traci because, yeah..) and then take your needle (I used the pointiest dotting tool) and drag your lines. I chose to completely copy off Meliny and draw them toward the corner of my nail, it sort of looks tie-dye. I finished off with hearts in the corners because I don't have any cool nail decals. For the dark green I used Ulta The Jungle Look and the hearts are China Glaze Naked. Speaking of which, I haven't properly shown off and swatched Naked. Til now.
Such a pretty, Barbie pink! Every pink makes me feel like I have Barbie hands.. Anyway, this is two coats, and These pictures are really showing it brighter than it really is, it's a nicer softer shade in my opinion, with a really great subtle shimmer. So subtle, you can't even tell from these photos at all lol
anyway, how is everyone else doing tonight? I've got some ideas about changing the blog, I feel like I've cluttered it and made it as messy as I always make things, and normally when that happens I'll leave my mess around a while and then one day I crack from the chaos and have to organize the shit outta some things. I've got more time off than normal this week, so hopefully I can get to it soon=]
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